Lin2Can Gateway Sample

This example can be used together with the UDS Over LIN sample to demonstrate UDS DFU via LIN by using this board as a CAN-LIN gateway.

All incoming CAN packages that can be converted to LIN packages (in the LIN2CAN format (see Lin2Can Commander Sample)) are converted and forwarded to the LIN bus. The same is happening in the other direction; all incoming LIN packages (in the LIN2CAN format) that can be converted are forwarded to the CAN bus.

Note that this example configures the LIN bus as a commander and schedules the LIN2CAN Frames every 10 ms for a stable isotp/uds connection.

Build and flash

Build the application with:

west build --board ardep samples/lin2can/gateway

Then flash it using dfu-util:

west ardep dfu