Getting Started

Follow this guide to:

  • Install the Zephyr RTOS SDK

  • Set up your first workspace

  • Build and flash your first sample application

The instructions here build on the Zephyr RTOS guide focussing on the Ubuntu Linux Distribution and the ardep board. [1]

Install dependencies

Follow the Zephyr RTOS guide (section “Install dependencies”) to install all dependencies for the Zephyr RTOS.

Install the additional dependencies for the ardep board:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends iproute2 dfu-util

Install the Zephyr SDK

Follow Zephyr’s guide (section “Install Zephyr SDK”) .

Set up your workspace

Since you will install some python packages, we recommend using a virtual environment. We will use pipenv for this purpose.

  1. Install pipenv
    sudo apt install pipenv
  2. Navigate to the directory where you want to create your workspace and activate a new virtual environment

    cd ardep-workspace
    pipenv shell
  3. Install Zephyr’s metatool west:

    pip install west
  4. Clone the ARDEP repository and initialize the workspace

    git clone {REPOSITORY_URL} ardep
    cd ardep
    west init -l --mf ./west.yml .
    west update
  5. Export a Zephyr CMake Package

    west zephyr-export
  6. Install the required python dependencies:

    pip install -r ../zephyr/scripts/requirements.txt
    pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt
  7. Install and activate the ARDEP udev-rule:

    west ardep create-udev-rule
    sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
    sudo udevadm trigger

    This rule allows dfu-util to access your ardep board without sudo privileges (required for firmware upgrades via dfu-util).

    If your ardep board is already connected, unplug and replug it.

Build your first app

Build the LED Sample with:

west build --board ardep samples/led

Flash the app using dfu-util:

west ardep dfu