Why React and TypeScript?
The codebase is based on React and TypeScript.
Why React?
When we started with the idea of a company wide boilerplate for WebApps we searched for a robust and future-proof JavaScript framework. There are a couple of JavaScript frameworks out there that claim to be suited for big WebApps. We analyzed many of them and narrowed the list down to React and Angular. Since the majority of developers preferred React over Angular, we decided to go for React. Today we can say that this was the right decision as the popularity of React exploded while Angular’s stagnated. See https://www.npmtrends.com/angular-vs-react for a download count comparison. Make sure to change the range to 2 Years.
Why TypeScript?
TypeScript has many advantages over plain JavaScript. There are countless articles and videos online that describe the pros and cons of TypeScript. One quick overview can be found here. Our top 3 reasons why we choose TypeScript are:
- Typings!
- IDE / Editor support (intellisense and autocomplete)
- Next-gen JavaScript language features